Feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary
[Excerpts from the writings of Saint John Eudes]
There are (special) qualities which the holy Doctors of the Church attribute to the Sacred Name of Mary, which are very consoling to us.
Saint Epiphanius tells us that “Mary is the prodigious and admirable treasure of the Church.” “She is an inexhaustible treasure of grace and benediction,” says Richard of St. Lawrence, “for all the
children of men who will use this treasure.” “She is a treasure of joy and
jubilation for the Church Militant,” says Saint Bonaventure. “She is a treasure of incomparable mercy for the Church Suffering,” says Saint Cyril of Jerusalem.
But let us listen to the other holy Fathers of the Church upon this subject.
“The Name of Mary is jubilee to the heart, honey to the mouth, and music to the ear,” says Saint Anthony of Padua.
“Happy he who loves thy Name, O Mary,” it is Saint Bonaventure who speaks, “for this holy Name is as a refreshing fountain to the weary soul, bringing with it the fruits of justice.” “O Mother of God,” continues he, “how glorious and admirable is thy Name! Whoever carries it in his heart will be freed from the terrors of death. We need but pronounce that Name to make all Hell tremble and the demons flee away. Whosoever would possess peace and joy of heart, let him honor thy Name.”
“The Name of Mary,” says Saint Peter Chrysologus, “is a name of salvation for those who are regenerated; it is the insignia of virtue, the honor of chastity, the sacrifice agreeable to God, the virtue of hospitality, the school of sanctity, a name altogether maternal.”
“O Mary,” cries out Saint Germain of Constantinople, “thy greatness has no bounds, and thy mediation is all sweetness.”
“O great, O gentle, O most lovable Mary,” cries out Saint Bernard, “thy Holy Name cannot be spoken without inflaming the heart. To those who love thee, it is unspeakable consolation and joy even to think of thee; thou art a sweet memory to those who honor thee.”
“How wonderful!” says Saint Anselm, “it sometimes happens that salvation is obtained by the invocation of the Name of Mary, rather than by that of Jesus. But how can that be? Is Mary greater and more powerful than Jesus? No, for Jesus has not received His greatness and power from Mary, but rather, Mary has received hers from Jesus. But the Son of God, being Lord and Sovereign Judge, must necessarily treat each one according to his merits, and according to the order of justice, which demands that the prayers of a criminal shall not be heard; but if he invoke the Name of the Mother of Mercy, although his sins render him unworthy of all grace, he is, nevertheless, heard through the intervention of Mary.”
“O Mary,” says the holy Raymond Jourdain, “the Most Holy Trinity has given thee a Name, which after that of thy Divine Son, is above all names; a Name at sound of which all creatures in Heaven, earth, and Hell, bow the knee; its grace, glory and virtue all tongues confess and honor. Thy Name after that of thy Son, is most powerful to assist us in obtaining eternal salvation. Thy Name, above the names of all the Saints, has virtue to comfort the weak, to cure the sick, to give sight to the blind, to soften hearts, to encourage the weary, to fortify those who combat and to overthrow the tyranny of the demons.”
Oh, who will give me to engrave upon all hearts these beautiful words of Venerable Thomas a Kempis? “All Hell trembles at the august Name of the Queen of Heaven. It is the terror of all the malignant spirits, who fear and flee from it as from a raging fire. They dare not appear in those places which are illuminated by this beautiful Name, for it is a sun chasing away all infernal darkness. If you would rout all the diabolical troops, you have but to pronounce with devotion the terrible Name of Mary. It is like a frightful peal of thunder, terrifying them and precipitating them, in one moment, into the awful abyss. It frustrates their wicked machinations, brings to naught their cruel snares and dissipates all their deceits. The more you pronounce and lovingly invoke this amiable Name, the more promptly you will chase away and keep far from you those cruel enemies of salvation.”
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