Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ
[Pope Saint Leo the Great] Rejoice in the Lord, my dearly beloved brethren; again I saThe Adoration of the Magiy, rejoice. For it is but a few days since the solemnity of the Birth of Christ, and the world is already illumined by the Feast of His manifestation. On this Feast Day the world acknowledges…

Feast of The Most Holy Name of Jesus
[Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Abbot, Doctor and Father of the Church] Holy Name of Jesus altar – Lublin Dominican Church. Baroque pulpit Not in vain does the Holy Ghost compare the Name of the Bridegroom with oil when He makes the bride say to the Bridegroom, “Thy Name is an oil poured out.” For oil…

Octave of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
[Saint Augustine, Bishop, Doctor and Father of the Church] And so the Child is circumcised. Who is this Child but He of Whom it was said, “A Child is born to us, a Son is given us”? He became as one under the Law that He might gain those under the law. “… to present…