Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
(From the writings of Saint John Eudes) All Doctors of the Catholic Church hold that the most Holy Virgin was only three years old when she left the house of her father and mother to be presented to God in the Temple of Jerusalem. This departure from the home of her parents is closely related…

November Month Of All Souls, Feast Of All Souls Day
The month of November all masses are dedicated to the Souls in Purgatory, especially those whose names have been placed on the altar. Send names to be placed on the altar of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Boston Kentucky to: • marcosandolini333@yahoo.com • ourladyofmtcarmelusa@gmail.com On the first of November, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of…

Feast Of All Saints Day
[A Sermon of Saint Bede the Venerable] Today, beloved brethren, we celebrate in one joyful solemnity the Feast day of all the Saints. In their society Heaven exults, in their protection earth rejoices, in their triumphs the Holy Church is crowned. The more endurance they showed in giving witness, the brighter is the glory of…