Feast Of Corpus Christi
(Saint Peter Julian Eymard) I. THE TESTIMONY OF THE CHURCH “Ecce Agnus Dei.” Behold the Lamb of God. (John i. 36.) Saint John the Baptist’s mission on earth was to announce the coming of the promised Savior, point Him out to men, and prepare the way for Him. The Church fulfills the same mission with…

Feast of Pentecost Sunday
(Sermon of Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church) We celebrate today the Feast of the Divine Presence and the greatest of all gifts, the Gift of the Holy Ghost, Who was sent from the Father and the Son, under the form and figure of tongues of fire, upon the Apostles and…

Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ
(Sermon of Pope Saint Leo the Great, Father and Doctor of the Church) I. The events recorded as happening after the Resurrection were intended to convince us of its truth After the blessed and glorious Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, wherein by Divine power He “raised up in three days” the true Temple of…

Easter Sunday
(Sermon of Pope Saint Gregory the Great, Father and Doctor of the Church) This great solemnity of the Sunday of the Resurrection gives us a fitting occasion for speaking to you: for it would indeed be unfitting that the tongue of our body should be silent in the praises that are clue this day; that…

Palm Sunday
(Sermon of Saint Vincent Ferrer,O.P.) Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord,” (Saint Matthew 21:9). This text is taken as the basis of our sermon. It is a short and very devout song composed by the Holy Ghost, and today sung with devotion to Christ, when He solemnly entered the city…

Ash Wednesday
(Sermon of Pope Saint Leo the Great) I. The Lenten fast an opportunity for restoring our purity In proposing to preach this most holy and important fast to you, dearly beloved, how shall I begin more fitly than by quoting the words of the Apostle: behold, now is the acceptable time, behold now is the…

Feast of Saint Joseph
(from the writings of Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop, and Doctor of the Church) All virtues and perfections were then reflected absolutely in Saint Joseph, so that it almost seemed as if he were as perfect and possessed all virtues in as high a degree as the glorious Virgin Mary. Certainly, Saint Joseph is most…

Feast Of The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary
(Homily of Saint Peter Canisius, Doctor of the Church) The Church both reverently and frequently celebrates Feasts of the Mother of God. For She knows with certainty that it is a work pleasing to God and worthy of the faithful to honor, among all the Saints, the most saintly Mother of Our Lord and God…

Saint Patrick
[from the “The Liturgical Year” by Dom Prosper Guéranger] The Saint we have to honour today is the Apostle of that faithful people, whose martyrdom has lasted three hundred years: it is the great Saint Patrick, he that gave Erin the Faith. There shone most brightly in this saint that gift of the Apostolate, which…
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