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Please Pray! Father Finnegan may be dying.

Please Pray!

Father Finnegan may be dying.

Pray mightily for him.

Pray. Do penance.

¡My Jesus mercy!

Thank you and God bless you for your prayers.


According to the method of
St. Alphonsus Liguori

"Excerpt from “A Manual of Prayers”

This Devotion arose first in Jerusalem, among the Christians who dwelt there, out of veneration for those sacred spots witch were sanctified by the sufferings of our Divine Redeemer. From the Holy City This devout exercise was introduced into Europe. When, in 1342. the Franciscan Fathers established their House in Jerusalem and undertook the Custody of the Sacred places of the Holy Land, they began to spread throughout the Catholic world the devotion of the Way of the Cross.
This excellent Devotion has met with the repeated approvals of the Holy See, and is enriched with many Indulgences ; to gain them it is necessary to meditate according to individual ability, on the Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to go From one Station to another, if the Space and Number of persons will admit.

Blessed Palm Crosses

Blessed Palm Crosses are available upon request at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Seminary. As prescribed, these Palm Crosses have been blessed twice - on Palm Sunday using the pre-1955 Liturgy, and then on May 3rd, the Feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross using the old Roman Rite Ritual. Traditional use of these powerful sacramentals include the following: planting a blessed palm cross on each of the four corners of your property (first put it into a waterproof jar before burying it), keep one in your home, place one in your automobile, and keep one in your wallet.

The following testimonial from a Religious Order priest back in 1940 is one of countless examples of the power of this sacramental.

"... it was Cross blessing time in May, 1940. I had burned midnight oil making them and I had a box of them on my desk. A priest came visiting from our Monastery on his way to Mexican Missions in California. He made fun of me and my crosses. He said we had the Blessed Sacrament, why bother about those little things. For a moment I thought: Maybe he is right. Yet I told him to take some along, and finally he did. Two weeks after that, May 18th, Saturday night, 7:30 o'clock, they had that terrible earthquake in the Imperial Valley where he was stationed. The good Lord showed him what those crosses were good for. There was a Government school for 1300 children just across the street from him. It was a complete wreck. There was a Catholic church and school eight blocks from his. Both buildings were wrecked. Statues fell to the floor. The school had to be torn down. At his place, not even a statue came down - no damage whatsoever. He learned his lesson. The Blessed Sacrament was in the other church, too. After that I put a cross in the Tabernacle under the corporal to protect our dear, humble Savior."

We have a limited supply of these newly blessed Palm Crosses. Make your request as soon as possible.

A V E M A R I A!

What Are Rogation Days?

Earthquakes and other calamities afflicted the diocese of Vienne in Dauphiny (France) in the fifth century, and Saint Mamertus, who was Bishop of that Diocese, instituted a penitentiary procession with public applications on the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before Ascension Day. In 816, Pope Leo III introduced it into Rome, and soon after it became a general observance throughout the Church.

The Litany of the Saints, the Psalms and Prayers sung during the Procession on these days are supplications: hence the name of 'Rogation Days' (rogare, to ask) applied to them. The object of these rotation applications is to appease the anger of God and avert the scourges of His justice, and to pray for the harvest.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Seminary will have a procession (with blessing of fields) and sung Mass beginning at 7:15 am on Monday May 27, Tuesday May 28, and Wednesday May 29. Everyone is welcome!


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Father Bolduc's Last Sermon, Sept. 3, 2012

Mass videos on 10 year old girl channel until further notice

Mass videos on 10 year old girl channel until further notice….subscribe.

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Daily Schedule For Ordinations and Family Conferences

Thursday June 22nd

9am Mass
10am Breakfast
10:45 Conference
11:45 Conference
1pm Lunch
2:15pm Conference
3:15pm Conference
5:30pm Rosary
6:30pm Dinner
9pm Compline

Friday June 23rd

8am Mass
9am Breakfast
10:15 Conference
11:15 Conference
1pm Lunch
2:15pm Conference
3:30pm Conference
5:30pm Mass
6:30pm Dinner
9pm Compline

Saturday June 24 Ordinations

11am Ordinations
2:30 Lunch
6:45 Light Dinner
7:45pm Talent Show
9:00pm Compline
9:30 Firework Show

Sunday June 25

10am First Mass of the Newly Ordained Priest
Lunch to follow.

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Saint Patrick

[from the “The Liturgical Year” by Dom Prosper Guéranger] The Saint we have to honour today is the Apostle of that faithful people, whose martyrdom has lasted three hundred years: it is the great Saint Patrick, he that gave Erin the Faith. There shone most brightly in this saint that gift of the Apostolate, which…

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Feast of Saint Joseph

(from the writings of Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop, and Doctor of the Church) All virtues and perfections were then reflected absolutely in Saint Joseph, so that it almost seemed as if he were as perfect and possessed all virtues in as high a degree as the glorious Virgin Mary. Certainly, Saint Joseph is most…

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Palm Sunday

(Sermon of Saint Vincent Ferrer,O.P.) Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord,” (Saint Matthew 21:9). This text is taken as the basis of our sermon. It is a short and very devout song composed by the Holy Ghost, and today sung with devotion to Christ, when He solemnly entered the city…

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Easter Sunday

(Sermon of Pope Saint Gregory the Great, Father and Doctor of the Church) This great solemnity of the Sunday of the Resurrection gives us a fitting occasion for speaking to you: for it would indeed be unfitting that the tongue of our body should be silent in the praises that are clue this day; that…

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Feast of Good Friday

[Saint Augustine, Bishop, Father, Doctor of the Church] I. What We Behold on The Cross As they were looking on, so we too gaze on His Wounds as He hangs. We see His Blood as He dies. We see the price offered by the Redeemer, touch the scars of His Resurrection. He bows His Head,…

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Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Boston Ky, Mass Schedule

(If there is a change in the normal schedule it will be noted in the Below post)

Sunday Mass at 10am

Followed by Catechism classes and lunch throughout the Seminary school year.

Daily Mass at 7:15am

First Friday Mass at 7pm

Followed by all-night Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until Benediction before Saturday morning Mass.

First Saturday Mass at 8am

Confessions start 30min before Sunday/First Friday/First Saturday Masses and are available any time upon request throughout the week.

The Chapel is always open for anyone to visit the Blessed Sacrament.

Address: 1730 N. Stillwell Rd. Boston Ky, 40107

Mass Schedule October 13, 2024

Boston, Kentucky

Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Sunday, October 13th, Mass at 10am
1730 North Stillwell Road
Boston, KY 40107

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Mass Schedule October 4-6, 2024

Boston, Kentucky

Our Lady of Mount Carmel
First Friday October 4th, Mass at 7pm
First Saturday October 5th, Mass at 8am
Sunday, October 6th, Mass at 10am
1730 North Stillwell Road
Boston, KY 40107

Saint Marys, KS

Dear Faithful,
We will have Mass Friday night October 4 and Sunday morning October 6.
Friday Mass location:
Home of Russ and Karen Varnado
103 E. Lasley Street
Saint Marys, KS 66536
Sunday Mass location:
Triple B Wedding Venue and Event Center
9700 Laclede Road
Wamego, KS 66547
The schedule is as follows:
· Friday
· 7:00 PM—Mass
· Sunday
· 7:30 AM—Confessions
· 7:45 AM—Rosary
· 8:00 AM—Mass
In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
Russ Varnado
(785) 437-2260

New Hampshire

Saturday, October 5th, Mass at 7pm
Location: 8 Landing Road. Hancock New Hampshire
Contact: 412-522-9543


Sunday October 5th, Mass at 4pm
Location: 16 Senga Road Norwalk Connecticut
Contact: 412-522-9543

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Mass Schedule September 28-29, 2024

Boston, Kentucky
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Sunday, September 29th, Mass at 1pm
1730 North Stillwell Road
Boston, KY 40107

Spirit, Wisconsin
Saturday, September 28, Mass at 10am
Location: Spirit Town Hall W1316 WI-86, Brantwood, WI 54513

Sunday, September 29, Mass at 10am
Location: Spirit Town Hall W1316 WI-86, Brantwood, WI 54513

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Youtube 469fitter


  • Live stream Masses and Catechism
  • Recorded Sermons
  • Event Schedules
  • and more


All Donations Sent Directly To:
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Bishop Joseph Pfeiffer
1730 North Stillwell Rd.
Boston, KY  40107

His Excellency Bishop Pfeiffer, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, expressed his appreciation to the many supporters who have responded with donations. Important updates (mass locations, newsletters, etc.) will be posted as they become available. Thank you for all your prayers. May the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Sacred Heart of Jesus protect you and grant you many graces.

Paypal will send a tax receipt.

In This Sign You Shall Conquer

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St. Augustine